Webinar, Tuesday 23 January 2024 – Fostering Resilience in Rural Communities

Webinar, Tuesday 23 January 2024 15:30 – 17:45 CET
Sharing experiences from an innovative training and capacity-building programme
for voluntary and professional rural development practitioners
This EU-level webinar is organised as part of the REBOUND project. It will present key concepts and models of rural resilience, on the ground practical experience based on case studies as well as tools and practices to foster rural resilience. It will also include discussion and comparisons between different types of rural areas and between rural and urban contexts. Speakers and panellists of the webinar will include EP members, ELARD representatives, REBOUND project members and local development experts.
The event is open to all those interested in rural issues and community-led local development. Participation is free.
Registration is open under this link |
This webinar is organised by LDnet on behalf of AEIDL and the other REBOUND partners.
We would like to share our experience with you and move forward together in 2024!
This EU-level webinar on rural resilience will present key concepts, practical experience, tools, and comparisons between rural and urban contexts. Speakers include EP members, ELARD representatives, REBOUND researchers, project members, and local development experts. The event is open to all interested in rural issues and community-led development.
15h30 – 16h40 – Part I. The concept of rural community resilience, findings from survey and case studies
- Key learnings from the preparation of the rural resilience course
- Panel discussion with policy-makers, researchers and practitioners on the concept of community resilience, its importance for rural areas, barriers, success factors and lessons.
16h40 – 17h00 – Short break
17h00 – 17h45 – Part II. Developing skills for rural community resilience
- Presentation of key elements of the accredited rural resilience course, including tools to foster resilience and case studies.
- Testimonies from the participants of the rural resilience course
- Panel discussion on policy implications and the way forward.
We look forward to welcoming you at the event!
& LDnet Team